Marie is a naturally gifted intuitive psychic

Atlanta’s Very BEST Psychic Experience!

Available for parties and special events

Atlanta’s Very BEST Psychic Experience!

Available for parties & special events

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Love Life & Relationships

Marie’s relationship reading will give you a very distinct and direct answers

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Chakra Cleansing & Balancing

Marie will be able to tell which Chakras are off or need balancing

Life Coaching

Marie will help you with all of life matters, problems, and joys
Psychic Marie Atlanta Best Psychic Reading in Atlanta

Psychic Marie’s readings are in depth and very insightful. She uses her gifted ability to connect to his or hers energy field and spirit guides. In doing so that helps her give the most accurate and detailed information as possible. Marie creates a strong and spiritual connection with each of her clients. No two readings are alike.

office of psychic marie
office of psychic marie of atlanta
office of psychic marie of atlanta tarot cards

Her abilities and gifts are truly unique and amazing

Get your one FREE question today!


After hearing about Marie for years it was great to experience her for myself. She was inviting, intense, and insightful. It’s something that you have to experience for yourself to understand and I encourage you to do so.

Marie’s office is located in the heart of Sandy Springs. All readings are available by phone or in her quiet and professional office.


Contact Information:

290 Hilderbrand Dr.
Suite B-1
Atlanta, GA 30328


MON - SAT: 11AM - 9PM

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